Thursday, May 21, 2009


New Texting Slang


Text slang has grown from the occasional Lol, and Lmao to new and more extensive abbreviations.
I was caught off guard when I first got a text saying “SMH” I think I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out what the heck “SMH” was. Because we all know we dont want to ask and seem like we are behind in the texting game.

So to stay ahead, your very own Mike 3G has created some texting slang and abbreviations you can take and be the first to use with your friends.

IICCTRN= Im in class cant text right now.

@TPS= At the Porno Store

COL= Crying Out Loud

^5= High Five

AMILSHMSH= Ah man I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

So next time someone hits you with something like an SMH..Hit them up with one of these. See how long they take to respond.