Thursday, May 21, 2009


like omg this bitch named britney tried me today so i went off on her and she was crying nxt week i am going to EUrope and i have no money so i am gonna ask my daddy to give me $3,000,000 becuz dat is at least 14,000 over in EUROPE i am goin to the Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary that is an expensive hotel so me and my bestie`s are going to have some fun gonna start our summer a week b4 show that town how we do it in New York i am gonna be at the hotel Grandhotel Pupp that was seen in the movie Last Holiday with Queen Latifah then we`re gonna head over to Paris and get stay in London this is my hotel

1 comment:

  1. when your back i wanna se you pics
    cuz i wanna now if you a realy rich ore you just wanna be diggy
