Thursday, May 28, 2009


my wifey say that she is gonna leave 3 months far in the trip becuz she wants to go home and look after her mom but it just turned out that her mom got remarried and now she is buggin me about gettin married on our vacation so now my daddy has to give me $16,000 to pay for the wedding and every thing and errbody that comes with it this is a pick of us at the hotel goin to the opera i may look young but i am really 21

Thursday, May 21, 2009


New Texting Slang


Text slang has grown from the occasional Lol, and Lmao to new and more extensive abbreviations.
I was caught off guard when I first got a text saying “SMH” I think I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out what the heck “SMH” was. Because we all know we dont want to ask and seem like we are behind in the texting game.

So to stay ahead, your very own Mike 3G has created some texting slang and abbreviations you can take and be the first to use with your friends.

IICCTRN= Im in class cant text right now.

@TPS= At the Porno Store

COL= Crying Out Loud

^5= High Five

AMILSHMSH= Ah man I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

So next time someone hits you with something like an SMH..Hit them up with one of these. See how long they take to respond.


You Know You Ghetto When…


1. As soon as you get rich the first thing you buy is a fur coat. And you live in Florida!

2. You get your paycheck and the first thing you buy is some scratch off’s, a 6 pack of colt 45’s, and some cigarettes.

3. The first thing you think about when you get your tax return is putting rims on your car.

4. If you think Gucci Mane is the best rapper.

If you fit any of these, you are Ghetto!


like omg this bitch named britney tried me today so i went off on her and she was crying nxt week i am going to EUrope and i have no money so i am gonna ask my daddy to give me $3,000,000 becuz dat is at least 14,000 over in EUROPE i am goin to the Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary that is an expensive hotel so me and my bestie`s are going to have some fun gonna start our summer a week b4 show that town how we do it in New York i am gonna be at the hotel Grandhotel Pupp that was seen in the movie Last Holiday with Queen Latifah then we`re gonna head over to Paris and get stay in London this is my hotel